Sunday, January 04, 2009

sorry to burst your bubbles....

hey look what i found at triggur


Noor Faridah is empowered by hurting other peoples' feelings.
oh yeah, i get this a lot! twice this year. but i didn't do it on purpose. honest! ;)

Noor Faridah is a shivering ball of rage waiting to explode.

Noor Faridah is a genetic freak of nature.

Noor Faridah hates happy people.
that is a lie!

Noor faridah is a pessimistic whiner.

okay, no friday5 this week as the questions are all...well, not fun.

okay this guy, in my class, whom i have a crush on asked me out for a drink justnow. but i said no mainly because of my alter-ego asked me to say so. nak jual mahal la konon! cheh! okay i think i've given you enough details. i better stop before i made a complete fool outta myself. i am a fool am i not? ngeahahaha. *ngork baby*

enamiix will be getting his porsche boxter in two years time. lucky him! i want a red mini cooper! ngeahahahaha.

i'm so happy! *dances*

i think i'm a pathological liar.

multiple personality disorder is freaky!

esp is fun. i wish i have esp!

Friday, January 02, 2009

Am in Ude's room rite now waiting for quant lab. submitting my lab report and checking out from that lab forever, ever, ever today!! yeay!! thanks a lot coz this semester is going to end. and not going to the banquet coz i dont feel good.